Bucket of Dolts #1

While Peppermint shows off a faceful of new gadgets, Lime takes his latest four-wheeled summon out for a spin. Running entirely on the carbon-free coolness of his master, the Tighty El Camino can go from 0 to 60 in just 6 seconds, before instantly breaking down.

2021 – Adobe Photoshop CC – Huion Kamvas 13

Buoyant Bay

While Lacie and Shelbie mess around with Candy’s afternoon nap, Peppermint puts her new water resistant body to the test by fending off Lime’s latest summon all by herself.

Sometimes I feel like she should be the protagonist instead…

Failing to squash Lacie and friends with giant green tentacles, Lime speeds the rest of his time at the beach learning how to swim (while plotting his revenge, of course).

2021 – Adobe Photoshop CC – Huion Kamvas 13